Powerful selection software. Systemair provides a range of powerful selection software that guides and help you find the right product with the right performance for your needs. You find all our software here ».
CLIMACAL software for design and calculation of air-handling units. Due to its interactive graphic interface the use of CLIMACAL is user-friendly and very easy to control. The user is in a position to view layout and elevation plans of the air-handling unit and its final dimensions. Design information of the selected air-handling unit is saved as a file with extension.AHU. Climacal software tool offer a wide range of output information comprising technical specification of the unit including drawings and fans’ curve characteristics in Climacal BMP format. Technical and costing specifications are available optionally in DOC or PDF format. CAD drawings of the unit are presented in 1:1 scale in DXF format.
The software tool offers working environment including 14 languages which can be switched and all the outcomes can be saved in any of these languages. The languages available are for instance Czech, English, German, French etc.
Selection for Grilles, Registers, Diffusers, Terminal Units, Fan Coils & Blower Coils Our K-Select selection software incorporates powerful engineering tools to provide a design reference that can save significant time in the design of a building's HVAC system. Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers. Select by calculating performance at the required design point. Select by the room's design using ADPI. Select by ADPI selection at a CFM performance point based off a given room area, cooling delta-T, and characteristic length. Terminal Units.
Redesigned user interface. Global change feature to update all selections with one click. Auto sizing option displays multiple size options per selection. “Save and New” button added to quickly add next selection. Master defaults can be saved to specific options for future projects. MCA and MOP added to schedule. New sortable schedule feature.
Improved export to EXCEL. Internet update feature to easily upgrade program. Updated Sound data to comply with new AHRI 880-11 end reflection requirements. Updated liner options on all models.
Radiated and Discharge Sound Power by Octave Band. Acoustic calculator (based upon ARI's standard 885-98). Minimum static pressure caused by the VAV unit (Min. Delta-Ps = box with damper @ full open Ps + coil Ps) at design CFM. Static pressure drop across VAV box (delta-Ps = inlet Ps - downstream Ps - coil Ps) Hot Water Coil selection and performance information. Electric Heat selection and performance information. Fan Coils and Blower Coils.
Auto sizing option displays multiple size options per selection. Same screen for displaying both cooling and heating.
Select based on total capacity or leaving air temperature. Fluid flow or leaving water temperature can be selected to determine capacity. 2-pipe system selection allows for change over or chilled/hot water only configuration. Detailed warnings for selections that may exceed desired performance. Reports and Printouts. NC (noise criteria) based off room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts. Neck velocity and total pressure at a given CFM.
ADPI values at any given performance point that results in an ADPI greater than 70. Throw at any required terminal velocity. K-Select can also save your product selections to a schedule, which can be exported directly to project documents. Also, all published information in the Krueger Catalog can be accessed from the K-Select program providing that the catalog part of the installation is performed. This includes catalog pages, extended range performance data, suggested specifications and much more. End User License Agreement (EULA) Permission is hereby granted to use Krueger's K-Select program free of charge and without restriction. The results of this program are only an aid to the designer, and are not a substitute for professional design services.
Intel wireless wifi link driver. Neither the Company nor the Developers accept any liability for the adequacy of any resulting design or installation. All data is subject to change without notice.