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ANY system where you have access to it's console will give you an opportunity to where you can login and see files, run your own browser or copy files. By modifying the BIOS or 'Flash'ing' new BIOS you can override both BIOS protected passwords and reboot from other devices or peripherials.Reboot with any OS you choose and browse NTFS (via or FAT files on their 'secured' hard drive.
Internet Cafe', Public Library and Schools with 'locked' PC's are usually accessible. If you can MODIFY the BIOS to boot from USB, CD or DVD. Insert your USB Boot image (ISO). How.See my instructables.
Beginners Background: The BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) is a small piece of code 'burned' into a EPROM/CMOS (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). This is the hard coded instructions to 'boot' your PC. Even 'locking' the BIOS is no longer safe as 'Flash' programs can 'reprogram' most any BIOS.
Shorts or restes can 'fry' and many sites offer replacements/swaps. File systems: Computers all have files. File systems are the way data is encoded on the hard drive. It's not encrypted nor protected except for EFS or secured shadowed and hidden file systems using triple DES and PGP. Steps: Press F2 or F10 as the reboot prompt asks. Modify as below the 'Boot order' Insert a CD/DVD or USB boot drive and your in!
(see instructables for ISo images or USB thumb drive) Step 1: Console Access.this Is Essential to Browse Files. Windows Computers are designed to not allow remote access. Firewalls, port stealthing and all the fancy software secures you from outside and network attacks. No one protects their consoles or laptops nowadays.
Do you have access to a schools computer, library or Internet Cafe'? Then you can load and boot many OS and see files on their HDD. Once the BIOS (bypass BIOS passwords on page 6) is set to boot from other media (USB/CD/DVD) you can load you OWN OS and login. Forget Windows security.load your OWN OS! Load a small Linux or other OS, fast and easy from USB or CD/DVD (see Live CD or use my instructables) ///post your ideas///! Specific PXE or GRUB boots and small USB drives can boot most any OS you choose. Step 2: Windows ISO Boot Disc(s).
Free ISO Image Downloads: These are the ISO boot disk images available from AllBootDisks. Download the ISO image you need, and if you need assistance creating a bootable CD from this image, visit the how-to page. Everyone's seen Windows boot screens.ugh think of ALL THE YEARS wasted watch DOS & Windows Boot!
ERCK DOS4.01bootdisk.iso DOS5.0bootdisk.iso DOS6.0bootdisk.iso DOS6.21bootdisk.iso DOS6.22bootdisk.iso Win95abootdisk.iso Win95bbootdisk.iso Win98SEbootdisk.iso Win98SEnorambootdisk.iso Win98bootdisk.iso Win98norambootdisk.iso WinMebootdisk.iso WinMenorambootdisk.iso ISO's are well documented already. Step 3: Live CD Distributions to Choose From (list). Only way is to triple encrypt (PGP or DES3) your raw data on HDD then upon discard perform a 'clean' 23x rewrite '0' zeros and '1' ones then 23x write '1' ones then 23x '0' zeros. Then burn and chip (1mm) the platters entire surface and submerge in nitric then sulfuric acids.
DOD and NSA can read data off intact platters via electron scanning or Electron tunneling microscopes but not after the 23x triple re-writes and surface scour as the newer magnetic particles leave zero residual changes in the sub-medium. Most of the data can never be read.don't think so.? Most crooks and bad guys are not that well educated, that's how we catch you. Step 6: BIOS Backdoors. Bybassing BIOS Solutions: 1. BIOS passwords secure different levels of system access. Lowest level is access control for power management functions, next for BIOS access (BIOS password) and highest level is for PC access (Administrator password).
BIOS password is stored in a non-erasable part of the CMOS ('BIOS memory'). On desktop PC's this CMOS is buffered by an onboard battery. Depending on your mainboard layout you'll see a seperate battery or won't see it as it will be integrated in a multifunction chip housing battery, real time clock (RTC) and other components (usually a small black brick on the mainboard). Keeping that in mind different ways of removing the password are possible. Remove password with some kind of software This works only if you have access to your PC and can run software (meaning no Administrator password is set). CMOSpwd Remove password by manually invalidating CMOS content When CMOS RAM loses power, a bit is set to indicate this, which should cause the BIOS to detect that the CMOS RAM is invalid and will normally result in the loading of default values. The same results can be obtained by using a simple DEBUG script to invalidate CMOS RAM.
This may be much more convenient than shorting pins on a chip in cases where it is possible to boot to a DOS prompt to run DEBUG.Here is a DEBUG script to invalidate CMOS RAM. This should work on all AT / ATX motherboards (some systems do not have CMOS RAM) Boot from floppy with DOS or USb thumb drive. A: DEBUG - o 70 2E - o 71 FF - q (Quits to DOS) Remove password using common master passwords Please be aware that most BIOS releases lock your PC completely after entering 3 wrong passwords!
I have my school laptop I want to hack too. But the easy way to take it over is to reset the BIOS password, but I don't want to get caught again, try UBCD or something and Moba Live CD to crack the BIOS or modify it. I originally thought of cracking the BIOS with software, now I found I can modify the BIOS to get the password or not require it temporarily and put it back the original password. Maybe I can use a Linux CD to access the BIOS password Drive. I know how it sucks to have a restricted laptop, I not only want to play games, but run all my programs I do at home and encrypt/hide some of my files too.
I work for HP, we hack your old laptops all time time: Power-on BIOS passwords hack: 1) IBM - Press BOTH mouse keys repeatedly during power up. 2) 'Backdoor' BIOS passwords ( from IBM Manuals) try 'merlin' or see 3) Remove BIOS battery backup.drain and rest 4) Attach floppy and 'Flash' BIOS to new version without passwords. Harddrive Power On passwords. 1) Read HDD in Hex editor and do a 'Ghost' copy to non-password HDD 2) Remove IDE/SATA or SCSI controller from HDD.
Use a non-locked controller 3) Perform forensic binary transfer to HDD without lock HW enabled. Easy it weekly. Don't be fooled that no-one can get your data.if I get the platters your toast.
I work for IBM Global Technology Services. They provide us with IBM/Lenovo laptops. Our security policy states we must have a power on password set in our bios. You can't get to the bios to change to boot to another device (USB) without first knowing the power on password. If you could get to the bios to change the boot order, you couldn't boot to any device without knowing the power on password. Our security policy also requires we have a hard drive password.
This password is asked for at power up. If you don't know it, you can't get to the hard drive. That means that even if you could power it up, and boot it from USB, you couldn't mount the drive if you don't know the hard drive password.
There is no way around this. I know this because when we return our old computers, and we forget to remove these hard drives, they call us to get them. If we don't remember them, the laptop and the hard drive are toast. Even as the company that manufactures the machine (back when IBM did that), we couldn't remove the power on or hard drive passwords. So, while your method will work on a machine not protected with a power on password or a hard drive password, it will NOT work on every machine. This wont let you into the drive but it will allow you do throw the harddrive away and reuse the laptop. The methods to password protect hard drives are crackable my friend, even if your IT doesnt know it.
A laptop can be cracked open to clear cmos just as a desktop can for the bios pass. If someone steals a laptop from you guys they can be in it in hours, and have all your little lanman hashes in brute-force cracking. Linux will be the OS used to have your data.
The guy in a nearby cubicle that started yesterday will watch you type all your passwords. Then he'll steal your laptop, and he'll have full access to your data. That guy didnt last long did he?
He already quit. Power on passwords are stored on the hard drive and read at power on from the hard drives controller (IDE/SCSI or SATA).
I replace your controller with one not enabled for hardware power-on and tada! No passwords. Only issue is the controller 'remembers' all bad sectors and 'spared' my 'NEW' controller will often try to read or spare out valid or invalid sectors and a HEX or Binary copy to a drive with a 'clean' controller and new HDD works best. Then I browse the old data.
Way cool is tto 'swap' someones drive in a laptop when they are not aware.Use a dead one. Then take your time to recover all the sensitive theory. If only I understood this. I bought a Gateway 2000 laptop with Phoenix BIOS, and the danged thing has a BIOS password I cannot for the life of me get past. No way to get into setup.
I even bought a floppy drive for it and tried a couple of 'swear to god' password cracking software things. It will not boot from CD or floppy. None of the backdoor passwords work. First question - if you blow your first three tries and get locked out, does that mean 'forever, or just until you power down and wait for awhile? Since it's a laptop, I've been told that the password is stored in EEPROM, and there's no way around that without expenses I can't afford. I mean the dang thing isn't even worth it in the long run, but it's one of those challenges that is just driving me absolutely nuts. Plus, I'm a 50-year-old noob, so I'm a little left in the dark.
Gateway and Phoenix appear to be especially protective of their secrets. Should I just give up on the thing, or is anyone out there smart and kind enough to help me through this and be able to cry 'victory'? Hi, in your case, check if the motherboard of your laptop has a way to reset cmos chip. Generally all motherboards have jumper pins for that. Shorting (connecting) the pins (the computer should be off while doing this) resets the bios settings wiping out the password also.
If there are no cmos reset jumpers etc try this (this may not work but anyway will not harm your computer): Disconnect the laptop from power. Remove its batteries too.
Then search for the circular pill shaped little battery on the motherboard of your laptop. This battery backs up the cmos circuitry in case of complete power loss and it is the 'magic' behind the bios clock also. Remove the battery carefully. Wait 20 minutes. Then put the battery back. Pack your laptop and test if the bios has finally an amnesia.:). Here is my pitch erchgillis, I am at school, they have BIOS passwords.
I have a system. I do not want to fondles any of the stuff. I also do not have access to the motherboard. I cannot access the command prompt (have tried all ways), cannot run.bat or.exe files. There are macs here. They use network startup.
I can access cd burning capabilities, usb drives and installation of them. I can use Remote desktop connection to get onto the network. I can get to some of the network folders. Can run task manager but cannot run 'new task' or the 'run' function. When I make a new shortcut on the desktop I can type in cmd.
When I try to run it is says I cannot. System runs on windows I would like to find out the admin password or all passwords in the school.