At TomTom, we’re all about helping you get around. That’s why we use cookies to improve our sites, to offer information based on your interests and to interact with social media. To improve your TomTom site experience at any time click here. Accept Decline. Finally, the last option to get free TomTom maps is the Android or iPhone smartphone app. If we own a good smartphone or an iPhone then maybe it is time we give up the outdated classic navigator and purchase the TomTom app for phones. TomTom for Windows Phone 8.1 is not yet available.but you still have HERE Maps in exchange.
TomTom v970 Maps Requirements: PDA / PNA Overview: TomTom 970 Maps Download Instructions:Download files into file folder. Do Not Use 7-ZIP to unzip files.
You will get a CRC error when there is none Do not choose “All Parts” Maps with Automatic install and patcher will be posted soon Maps with “ Automatic Installer & Patcher” Before you begin back up upur SD card. The only two files you need on your SD card are ttgo.bif and ttsystem You just need to download and run the file on your computer. With your TomTom device plugged in or your sdcard in your sdreader and an active internet connection 2.
Click on the.exe file Choose TomTom path or sd path and click on the Install button. Wait until the install process finishes and your new map will be installed and patched. Password; navitotal The TomTom Section is now using linkcrypt for our map uploads. Click on a map link and you will be redirected to the first linkcrypt page. There you will see the word 'Authorizing'. Below it is a GOLD KEY & 5 black dots. That is a password window.
Replace the black dots with the password: navitotal Then click the blue rectangular Submit button & the second linkcrypt page, containing the filefactory links, will open. Do not choose Mirror!! Happy Downloading!!. Extract using WinRar 5.0 or higher. Place in folder, extract last part, all will extract. Do not use 7Zip or you will get CRC error.
Turn off the write protection of the Memory Card. Connect the memory card or the navigation device to PC, then create the following path on the memory card: igo8/content/userdata/POI. Download, unzip and copy the the downloaded.kml files to the above map. Restart your navigation device.
Run the navigation software and swich to Advanced mode. Choose the Manage POI icon. Choose downloaded POIs (kml file); then choose Edit and set the distance of POI icon visibility. The default icon is Google Earth's globe.
In the Navigation menu choose Find POI, and choose as Destination. Note: some POIs might not be reachable on the map, if the map is not detailed enough. Speedcam iGO8 1. Download as speedcam the file to a folder on your PC.
Unzip the two files, speedcam.txt and POIplaza-iG08 Notes.txt. Copy the speedcam.txt file to the Storage card/igo8/content/speedcam. Restart iGO8, the file will automatically update the database. There will now be three files in the speedcam directory, speedcam.spdb, speedcam.txt and SpeedcamUpdates.spud. Allow the device to detect a GPS signal. When this is done the speedcam locations will be active. Check Settings/Warnings has Speed Camera Warning enabled.
Note: conversion of speedcam files is time consuming especially in case of a large file. During conversion an 'init warning messages' message is visible. IGO8 icons 1. Open iGO8 map on your memory card.
Copy file downloaded from POIplaza into iGO8 map. If the map is already containing this file, and you wish to keep it content, make a security copy of this file. Run the navigation software and swich to Advanced mode. Choose the Manage POI icon. Choose downloaded POIs from POIplaza (kml file); then choose Edit and set the distance of POI icon visibility, finally add the adequate icon from downloaded collection. IGO8 skins 1. The required skin.
Copy the downloaded file from POIplaza into iGO8 Content Skin map. If the map does not exist, create one. Activate skin from Main Menu/Settings/2nd page/Menu/Interface.