Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna review. Reviews Home; Reviews. PC/Mac/Linux; Consoles. GameCube; Genesis; PlayStation.
Yes, i'm back, after one year, i decided to make this dream alive again, don't let it die people! One of the reasons i'm making this guide is purely out of love for this gem of a game and it's original developers. Apparently, back in the day, when the game first launched at Steam people that bought recieved a copy of the game with Legends of Aranna inside, but curiously nowadays some dind't. Now you don't ask me for a reason!
I don't know why, perhaps just an FTP bug from Steam, but things like the fact that the LoA executable is being used to launch the Base game makes no sense at all, but still, i'm the guy who is going to help you now. This guide will finally teach you how to finally enable the expansion pack on the steam game, and perhaps a few extras if you wish to donate to help the community! Hope you enjoy it.
Before anything, would you like to contribuite with the Community by Donation? Killah's Collector's Bonus Pack: The fix for the expansion is available on the guide for free just down below after this section, but this is a whole different thing, all the possible extra content you could ever find in years of the Dungeon Siege games, all found and united and also provided. By donating you will be helping to maintain the game servers alive, the forums, the community and the constant update of mods and future projects aswell, projects such as, which brings all the stuff from the first titles ported to the second game, and many others, supported by the community, such as. Now, to make the expansion work with steam, you'll need few missing things. pastebin.com After getting it, just drop the content that you find inside the 'Dungeon Siege I Killah's Steam Fix' zip file Into your game's folder, and you shall be all set!
This will also update your game to the last official game version 1.50 with more custom patches made by me, the fix will also add the cut content such as audios uncensored and cutscenes restored, working steam overlay, and you will also get few bonus content! Such as the exclusive Return to Arhok campaign map that continues the story after Legends of Aranna ending, and multiplayer maps like Yesterhaven. You will also get a working Multiplayer mode and if you aren't a english native you'll find couple of language packs on the link aswell.
And of course the fix will also be fixing any bugs that some people found on the vanilla version of steam, such as sound/graphic lags and any compability issues at all. But, if you still have any doubts on how to do it, then contact me, but at least try before doing so, goddamn it!
Or at our discord.gg. And for Dungeon Siege II There's a alternative method:. www.dungeonsiege2.net. Then simply follow all the steps. Really, it's that easy. After you follow all the steps on the website, be sure to go into your Steam game Location, and double-click on 'DS2VideoConfig.exe'. Then you can pick a new resolution.
After that go into your Documents folder and into MyGames/Dungeon Siege 2. Then open the 'DungeonSiege2.ini' file. Change these lines: width = xxxx height = xxxx To what ever your screen resolution is For example, width =1920 height = 1080. Also, change this line: bpp = 32 (or 16, but 32 looks better.). TUNNGLE:.
Install Tunngle. Go over to the search bar, and type Dungeon Siege, you shall find three, or two networks, join the one which says 'Dungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna' after joining remember to invite your friends. After being on the room, you will find others which are playing too, and you will be able to enter on their rooms.
If you guys agree with it via chat. Remember, the others will not find your room unless you give them your Tunngle IP, which will be available at the left bottom of the window, entitled 'VIRTUAL IP'. GAMERANGER::. Install Gameranger. So, you may have noticed by launching gameranger that you aren't detecting any games for Dungeon Siege.
Simply copy your install directory from steam after applying my Fix to the default install directory for Dungeon Siege. Klinika uniwersytecka serial wikipedia. (C: Program Files Microsoft Games Dungeon Siege ).
Now when you try to change the install directory in GameRanger (Edit-Options-Scroll down to DS-Browse-DungeonSiege.exe. The program will detect Dungeon Siege properly and allow you to create Lan Games over the internet. Just be sure to forward port 16000 for gameranger if you have any issues. The only downside is that, by using GameRanger your hours are not tracked on Steam and the Steam Overlay does not work.
Use this ONLY if you have flickering, low fps or even the inability to Play the Game:. Open the Installation Path of Dungeon Siege. Execute 'DSVideoConfig.exe' as an Administrator. Select 'Video Driver' and then your graphics card.
(Important: Take the entry without 'TnL'). Confirm your choice with the OK button. Open the file 'DungeonSiege.ini' which is located in the same folder as 'DSVideoConfig.exe'. Copy the first four lines (see screenshot). Open the file 'DungeonSiege.ini' which is under 'My Documents' (path: c: Users.
Documents Dungeon Siege LOA ). Delete the first four lines and add the newly copied rows.
Save the document and start Dungeon Siege!
» » » Patches Patches Here you can find the patches used to update your game to the latest version. The patches can also be obtained by logging onto ZoneMatch, in which the right patch will download automatically. If you are not sure what patch you need, this is the recommended way. What version of the game you have installed can be read at the main menu of the game, just above the exit button.
You can also check out our list of. V1.0 to v1.11.1462 This updates Dungeon Siege from v1.0 to v1.11.
This is the most common version and should be downloaded by most users. If you are running v1.0, please download and install this update. (30 MB). v1.1.1460 to v1.11.1462 This updates Dungeon Siege from v1.1 to v1.11, and is for users running version 1.1.1460. (9 MB).
If you are running an older, beta version (1.09b), it's advised to reinstall the game, then patch from there. Want to read more?