Sep 05, 2008 Directed by Mohana Krishna Indraganti. With Nani, Swathi Reddy, Srinivas Avasarala, Tanikella Bharani. Ashtachemma Lavanya (Colors Swati) is a hardcore fan of hero Mahesh Babu. And her ambition is to marry hero Mahesh. But her heart is broken when Mahesh married Namrata Sirodkar. She lowers her expectations and decided to marry somebody who has 'Mahesh' in his name. Ashta Chamma. This is the story of two best friends.Jyothi and Swapna. Jyothi is the heroine of the story. She is the only person in the family who earns. The other main character in the story is Swapna. She came from a middle class family. Her dream is to become a billionaire. But she will not do much except day dreaming.
Bhargavi of 'Ashta Chamma' fame (second heroine) committed suicide along with her husband, at her residence in Banjara Hills. She was married 4 years ago and has a son.
Bhargavi came to Hyderabad from Guntur to become a star. She began her career as a TV anchor. She debuted to small screen with the serial '' and worked for many serials. Bhargavi got wide recognition with 'Ashta Chamma' the recent super hit film, playing the second heroine. According to the reliable reports, this is a consequence of personal family problems.
Currently, she has been committed for six films and shooting of one of the movie 'Holidays' is in progress. The details on the issue are awaited.
In Ashta Chamma game; the movement of tokens is controlled by throw of a dice. The tokens enter the board only when the dice result is 1. The tokens travel anti-clockwise in outer squares, clockwise in inner squares, and finally land up in home square. If a player's token lands on a square occupied by an opponent's token then the opponent's token is killed and the player gets an extra turn to play. The killed token returns to its starting square and has to go round all over again. However killing is not possible while the token is in a safe or cross marked square. Player gets an extra turn to play when the dice result is 1 or 6.
When a token reaches the outer square left of its starting square; it further moves up into the inner squares and now moves in clockwise direction. The game finishes when a player's token manages to get into the home square.
This game is the famous and addictive Indian version of Ludo. Ashta Chamma is called by various names in different regions. The list includes Doyalu BaaraKatta Asta Chemma Ashta Chemma Chauka Bara Katte Mane Gatta Mane Chakaara or Chakka Pakidakali KavidiKali Ashta Chamma Asta Chamma Daayam or Thaayam Kaana Duaa.