Aug 10, 2015 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody is an American sitcom created by Danny Kallis and Jim Geoghan. The series was first broadcast on Disney Channel on March 18, 2005, with 4 million viewers, making it the most successful. Watch The Suite Life on Deck season 2 full episodes. In this spinoff to 'The Suite Life of Zack & Cody,' siblings Zack and Cody Martin make new friends and get into fresh mischief after moving. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody is an American sitcom created by Danny Kallis and Jim Geoghan. The series was first broadcast on Disney Channel on March 18, 2005, with 4 million viewers, making it the most successful premiere for Disney Channel in 2005. It was one of their first five shows available on the iTunes Store.
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