Released in 2001 and featuring an enhanced version of the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater game engine, Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX is the most cutting edge and authentic freestlye BMX gaming experience ever! Ride like ten-time World Vert Champion Mat Hoffman or seven other top BMX Pros while pulling off hundreds of combinations of tricks and pro signature moves in realistic Street, Vert, and Dirt courses. With innovative game features, realistic BMX physics, a pumping alternative soundtrack, detailed graphics and intuitive controls, Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX? Is the ultimate BMX experience!
Owners of the original Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX may have concerns about this latest release but there is good news. Home michael buble youtube. The major problems such as trick execution and poor physics modeling have been largely resolved as the improved system works as well as anything on the market. The tricks are smooth and executable and when combined with large, well-designed levels, those who like to ride around pulling off trick combos will have a field day.
In addition, the graphics and audio, although not exceptional, perform adequately with well-detailed environments and standard sound tracks expected from this genre. The problems that you will run into focus around issues that are common in this type of game. For instance, when playing the single player mode, only one new level is opened at a time. This doesn't seem like a major problem but when combined with the fairly common 'almost impossible objective,? The game can become tedious and frustrating.
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX would be the first of such efforts. A demo version of the game is available in the options menu in the PlayStation version of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 which features two BMX riders and a beta version of the finished game's first level.