. Tudini, Vincenza 2015-01-01 This study explores whether chat users are able to extend prior, apparently completed posts in the dyadic online text chat context.
Minnesota Vikings NFL Football Front Page - VikingUpdate.com Premium NFL Tim Yotter Vikings Take Over Third-down Crown. Download And Read Data Analysis In Management With Spss Software By Verma Jp 2012 Hardcover Kitten Owners Workshop Manual 73-83 Haynes Service And. Cummins Incal 02 2014.
Dyadic text chat has a unique turn-taking system, and most chat softwares do not permit users to monitor one another's written messages-in-progress. This is likely to impact on their use of online extensions as an. Tudini, Vincenza 2015-01-01 This study explores whether chat users are able to extend prior, apparently completed posts in the dyadic online text chat context.
Dyadic text chat has a unique turn-taking system, and most chat softwares do not permit users to monitor one another's written messages-in-progress. This is likely to impact on their use of online extensions as an. Gibson, Gavin J.
2003-04-01 We propose an extension to the functional modelling methods described by Dawid and Stone (1982 Ann. 10 1119-38) that leads naturally to a method for selecting vague parameter priors for Bayesian analyses involving stochastic population models. Motivated by applications from quantum optics and epidemiology, we focus on analysing observed sequences of event times obeying a non-homogeneous Poisson process, although the techniques are more widely applicable. The extended functional modelling approach is illustrated for the particular case of Bayesian estimation of the death rate in the immigration-death model from observation of the death times only. It is shown that the prior selected naturally leads to a well defined posterior density for parameters and avoids some undesirable pathologies reported by Gibson and Renshaw (2001a Inverse Problems 17 455-66, 2001b Stat. 11 347-58) for the case of exponential priors. Some limitations of the approach are also discussed.
1987-01-01 European Space Agency (ESA) Mission Specialist (MS) Claude Nicollier, turning a crank, extends a tetherline from a reel mounted on a mockup of the forward payload bay (PLB) bulkhead. Nicollier familiarizes himself with the operation of the safety tether system prior to donning an extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) and participating in an underwater extravehicular activity (EVA) simu- lation in JSC's Weightless Environment Training Facility (WETF) Bldg 29 pool.
Yue, Wenzhen; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Yimin; Xie, Jingwen 2016-06-17 Radar waveform design is of great importance for radar system performances and has drawn considerable attention recently. Constant modulus is an important waveform design consideration, both from the point of view of hardware realization and to allow for full utilization of the transmitter's power. In this paper, we consider the problem of constant-modulus waveform design for extended target detection with prior information about the extended target and clutter.
At first, we propose an arbitrary-phase unimodular waveform design method via joint transmitter-receiver optimization. We exploit a semi-definite relaxation technique to transform an intractable non-convex problem into a convex problem, which can then be efficiently solved. Furthermore, quadrature phase shift keying waveform is designed, which is easier to implement than arbitrary-phase waveforms. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Yue, Wenzhen; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Yimin; Xie, Jingwen 2016-01-01 Radar waveform design is of great importance for radar system performances and has drawn considerable attention recently. Constant modulus is an important waveform design consideration, both from the point of view of hardware realization and to allow for full utilization of the transmitter’s power.
In this paper, we consider the problem of constant-modulus waveform design for extended target detection with prior information about the extended target and clutter. At first, we propose an arbitrary-phase unimodular waveform design method via joint transmitter-receiver optimization. We exploit a semi-definite relaxation technique to transform an intractable non-convex problem into a convex problem, which can then be efficiently solved. Furthermore, quadrature phase shift keying waveform is designed, which is easier to implement than arbitrary-phase waveforms. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. PMID:27322275.
Darnell, Gregory; Duong, Dat; Han, Buhm; Eskin, Eleazar 2012-01-01 Summary: Recent technological developments in measuring genetic variation have ushered in an era of genome-wide association studies which have discovered many genes involved in human disease. Current methods to perform association studies collect genetic information and compare the frequency of variants in individuals with and without the disease. Standard approaches do not take into account any information on whether or not a given variant is likely to have an effect on the disease. We propose a novel method for computing an association statistic which takes into account prior information. Our method improves both power and resolution by 8% and 27%, respectively, over traditional methods for performing association studies when applied to simulations using the HapMap data.
Advantages of our method are that it is as simple to apply to association studies as standard methods, the results of the method are interpretable as the method reports p-values, and the method is optimal in its use of prior information in regards to statistical power. Availability: The method presented herein is available at Contact: eeskin@cs.ucla.edu PMID:22689754. Carroll, Danielle; Reyes, David; Kerstman, Eric; Walton, Marlei; Antonsen, Erik 2017-01-01 INTRODUCTION: Among otherwise healthy astronauts undertaking deep space missions, the risks for acute appendicitis (AA) and cholecystitis (AC) are not zero. If these conditions were to occur during spaceflight they may require surgery for definitive care. The proposed study quantifies and compares the risks of developing de novo AA and AC in-flight to the surgical risks of prophylactic laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) and cholecystectomy (LC) using NASA's Integrated Medical Model (IMM). METHODS: The IMM is a Monte Carlo simulation that forecasts medical events during spaceflight missions and estimates the impact of these medical events on crew health. In this study, four Design Reference Missions (DRMs) were created to assess the probability of an astronaut developing in-flight small-bowel obstruction (SBO) following prophylactic 1) LA, 2) LC, 3) LA and LC, or 4) neither surgery (SR# S-20160407-351).
Model inputs were drawn from a large, population-based 2011 Swedish study that examined the incidence and risks of post-operative SBO over a 5-year follow-up period. The study group included 1,152 patients who underwent LA, and 16,371 who underwent LC. RESULTS: Preliminary results indicate that prophylactic LA may yield higher mission risks than the control DRM. Complete analyses are pending and will be subsequently available. DISCUSSION: The risk versus benefits of prophylactic surgery in astronauts to decrease the probability of acute surgical events during spaceflight has only been qualitatively examined in prior studies. Within the assumptions and limitations of the IMM, this work provides the first quantitative guidance that has previously been lacking to this important question for future deep space exploration missions.
Gleason, Patrick P; Phillips, Jill; Fenrick, Beckie A; Delgado-Riley, Ana; Starner, Catherine I 2013-01-01 Dalfampridine (Ampyra) is indicated to improve walking in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and was found to be effective in 35%-43% of individuals with MS in clinical trials. Dalfampridine may increase seizure risk, particularly in patients with renal impairment. Managed care expert consensus panel agreed that patient access to dalfampridine is best managed by a prior authorization (PA) in accordance with the FDA-approved labeling. To ensure safe and appropriate dalfampridine use, a health plan developed and implemented a 2-phase point-of-sale PA program. To evaluate dalfampridine PA review decisions, utilization, and pharmacy expenditures following the implementation of a dalfampridine safety and clinical PA program compared with a group of dalfampridine utilizers unexposed to a PA program.
The study utilized retrospective administrative pharmacy claims data from a commercial health plan averaging 1.3 million members per month. The plan implemented a 2-phase dalfampridine safety and effectiveness PA program on August 1, 2010.
A comparison group that did not implement the dalfampridine PA program was identified from a commercially insured population with approximately 350,000 members per month. Members in both groups were required to be continuously enrolled from August 1, 2010, through January 31, 2011. A member's earliest paid or rejected claim found from August 1, 2010, through October 31, 2010, was defined as the index claim. Dalfampridine-weighted 30-day supply claims were summed and compared between groups from index date through January 31, 2011. A pharmacy cost avoidance estimate was calculated using the difference in average claims per member from index claim through January 31, 2011, multiplied by dalfampridine wholesale acquisition cost.
Overall, dalfampridine utilization was evaluated between the intervention and comparison populations from August 2010 (implementation of PA in intervention group) through December 2011. Linear regression and.
Ball, Chad G; Kirkpatrick, Andrew W; Williams, David R; Jones, Jeffrey A; Polk, J D; Vanderploeg, James M; Talamini, Mark A; Campbell, Mark R; Broderick, Timothy J 2012-04-01 This article explores the potential benefits and defined risks associated with prophylactic surgical procedures for astronauts before extended-duration space flight. This includes, but is not limited to, appendectomy and cholecystesctomy. Furthermore, discussion of treatment during space flight, potential impact of an acute illness on a defined mission and the ethical issues surrounding this concept are debated in detail. Ball, Chad G.; Kirkpatrick, Andrew W.; Williams, David R.; Jones, Jeffrey A.; Polk, J.D.; Vanderploeg, James M.; Talamini, Mark A.; Campbell, Mark R.; Broderick, Timothy J.
2012-01-01 This article explores the potential benefits and defined risks associated with prophylactic surgical procedures for astronauts before extended-duration space flight. This includes, but is not limited to, appendectomy and cholecystesctomy. Furthermore, discussion of treatment during space flight, potential impact of an acute illness on a defined mission and the ethical issues surrounding this concept are debated in detail.
PMID:22564516. Hunten, Donald M. 1988-08-01 Spectroscopic observations of gases and plasmas in the Jupiter system, and related phenomena such as the recently-discovered sodium atmospheres of Mercury and the Moon were made. Cunningham's work on Jupiter spectroscopy is complete. The optical thickness of the ammonia cloud increases from about 3 in the morning to 6 at sunset. This effect seems to be due to the combination of internal heat flow and a convective region heated at the top, giving strong convection at night and none during the day. Near-simultaneous methane data are of poor quality, but are consistent with this picture.
Schneider's work on the sodium environment of Io is also complete. The eclipse data extend to nearly 10 Io radii and nicely match the densities in the outer regions (to 100 Io radii) obtained from the intensity scattered in the D lines. Other data show very fast jets of sodium (up to 100 km/sec), frequently tilted out of the orbital plane. Researchers seem to be seeing neutralized ions, not from the torus itself but from atmospheric sodium ionized and then quickly neutralized.
The data set on Mercurian sodium has been augmented, and supplemented by IR reflectance spectra. Nikolov, Margaret C.; Withers, Wm. Douglas 2016-01-01 We propose a new course structure to address the needs of college students with previous calculus study but no course validations as an alternative to repeating the first year of calculus. Students are introduced directly to topics from Calculus III unpreceded by a formal review of topics from Calculus I or II, but with additional syllabus time. Nikolov, Margaret C.; Withers, Wm. Douglas 2016-01-01 We propose a new course structure to address the needs of college students with previous calculus study but no course validations as an alternative to repeating the first year of calculus. Students are introduced directly to topics from Calculus III unpreceded by a formal review of topics from Calculus I or II, but with additional syllabus time.
2010-07-01. 28 Judicial Administration 1 2010-07-01 false Study prior to sentencing. 2.9 Section 2. PRISONERS, YOUTH OFFENDERS, AND JUVENILE DELINQUENTS United States Code Prisoners and Parolees § 2.9 Study prior to sentencing. When an adult Federal offender has been committed to an institution.
2013-07-01. 28 Judicial Administration 1 2013-07-01 false Study prior to sentencing. 2.9 Section 2. PRISONERS, YOUTH OFFENDERS, AND JUVENILE DELINQUENTS United States Code Prisoners and Parolees § 2.9 Study prior to sentencing. When an adult Federal offender has been committed to an institution.
2012-07-01. 28 Judicial Administration 1 2012-07-01 false Study prior to sentencing. 2.9 Section 2. PRISONERS, YOUTH OFFENDERS, AND JUVENILE DELINQUENTS United States Code Prisoners and Parolees § 2.9 Study prior to sentencing.
When an adult Federal offender has been committed to an institution. 2014-07-01. 28 Judicial Administration 1 2014-07-01 false Study prior to sentencing. 2.9 Section 2. PRISONERS, YOUTH OFFENDERS, AND JUVENILE DELINQUENTS United States Code Prisoners and Parolees § 2.9 Study prior to sentencing.
When an adult Federal offender has been committed to an institution. 2011-07-01. 28 Judicial Administration 1 2011-07-01 false Study prior to sentencing.
2.9 Section 2. PRISONERS, YOUTH OFFENDERS, AND JUVENILE DELINQUENTS United States Code Prisoners and Parolees § 2.9 Study prior to sentencing. When an adult Federal offender has been committed to an institution. 1988-01-01 This document is the final report of a study performed by Ball Space Systems Division (BSSD) for the NASA Johnson Space Center under an extension to contract NAS9-17666.
M.; Massie, S. 1986-04-01 There was a theoretical study of physical and chemical processes in the stratosphere, later broadened to include the mesosphere. Particular emphasis was laid on testing of proposed height profiles of the eddy diffusion coefficient against observed tracer data. Eventually the effort shifted to study of ozone time series in satellite data, and interpretation in terms of aeronomical processes. Since all this work is computer-intensive, the first year of funding also contributed to the acquisition of a powerful minicomputer system, in collaboration with several other faculty members.
This proved to be highly successful and cost effective. Chappell, Jean Marie 2012-01-01 The purpose of this study was to examine the role of prior learning assessment (PLA) in postsecondary degree completion for adult community college students at Mountwest Community and Technical College (MCTC).
The study group consisted of 339 MCTC graduates, who applied PLA credits toward degree completion between the academic year 2006 and 2011. Chappell, Jean Marie 2012-01-01 The purpose of this study was to examine the role of prior learning assessment (PLA) in postsecondary degree completion for adult community college students at Mountwest Community and Technical College (MCTC). The study group consisted of 339 MCTC graduates, who applied PLA credits toward degree completion between the academic year 2006 and 2011.
Pfeffer, Iris; Zemel, Meir; Kariv, Yehuda; Mishali, Hagit; Adler, Amos; Braun, Tali; Klein, Anat; Matalon, Meital Kazma; Klausner, Joseph; Carmeli, Yehuda; Schwaber, Mitchell J 2016-07-01 Prophylactic antibiotics are an important measure in preventing perioperative infection, Failure to cover multidrug-resistant pathogens may place carriers at increased risk of infection. We conducted a prospective, cross-sectional study in patients prior to bowel surgery to measure the carriage prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae and identify risk factors for carriage in this population. During an 11-month period, 150 patients were eligible for inclusion. 27 patients (18%) were found to be carriers of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Factors independently associated with carriage were immunosuppressive therapy (OR, 4.09; 95% CI 1.55-10.81; P = 0.005) and receipt of antibiotics in the prior 3 months (OR, 2.59; 95% CI 1.08-6.24; P = 0.033). Detection of a population at risk for carriage may help in devising and modifying appropriate antibiotic regimens for surgical prophylaxis in carriers of multidrug-resistant bacteria.
Kusakabe, Koichi; Aoki, Hideo 1996-11-01 The extended Aharonov-Bohm period test, recently proposed by the present authors, is used to study the electron pairing transition in the t-J ladders. The critical point is detected as a gap opening in the extended spectral flow. The result suggests a pairing prior to the onset of a phase separation, which is consistent with a recent Tomonaga-Luttinger analysis. Beattie, J. 1983-01-01 The extended performance technology study was an investigation of advanced discharge chambers and thruster components that were designed to operate under conditions which result in an increase in the thrust and thrust to power ratio of the state of the art J-series thruster. The high level of performance was achieved by a discharge chamber that employs a ring cusp magnetic confinement arrangement and a three grid ion extraction assembly. It is shown that the ring cusp magnetic field geometry confines the plasma to the volume immediately adjacent to the ion extraction assembly.
A high emission current hollow cathode that demonstrated operation at an emission current as high as J sub E = 40 A, and measurements which show the breakdown voltage of individual sections of the J-series propellant flow electrical isolator is about 340 V per section are investigated. Li, Judy X; Chen, Wei-Chen; Scott, John A 2016-01-01 A common question in clinical studies is how to use historical data from earlier studies, leveraging relevant information into the design and analysis of a new study. Bayesian approaches are particularly well-suited to this task, with their natural ability to borrow strength across data sources.
In this paper, we propose an eMAP approach for incorporating historical data into the analysis of clinical studies, and we discuss an application of this method to the analysis of observational safety studies for a class of products for patients with hemophilia A. The eMAP prior approach is flexible and robust to prior-data conflict.
We conducted simulations to compare the frequentist operating characteristics of three approaches under different prior-data conflict assumptions and sample size scenarios. Gori, G B; Richter, B J; Yu, W K 1984-07-01 Preventive and therapeutic advances have brought life expectancy in the United States to well over 70 years and have shifted mortality causes from acute to chronic diseases, the determinants of which are genetics, lifestyle, the environment, and aging itself. Plausible approaches to chronic disease prevention are likely to increase longevity further, with some foreseeable effects on demographic and economic projections.
Primarily, longevity advances would swell forecasts of population size, and would thus have to be met by production advances in order to maintain or improve living standards. This study, a restricted example, considers the probable demographic and economic consequences of a limited prevention program in the context of the Ford Motor Company, based on actual experience and certain expectations up to the year 2000. According to the results, prevention would reduce outlays for life insurance, disability, and health care, but would also generate the higher costs of extending pension plans. Undoubtedly, prevention will continue to be highly ranked in society's pursuit of happiness, and society must prepare to meet its effects with appropriate social and economic policies. 2012-04-01. 99.203 Section 99.203 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN. Completing planned studies.
(a) A manufacturer may request, prior to or at the time of making a submission to FDA under § 99.201, that FDA extend the 36-month time period for completing the studies and. Bayrak, O.; Demirbas, A.; Doluoglu, O.G.; Karakan, T.; Resorlu, B.; Kardas, S.; Tepeler, A.; Tangal, S.; Adanur, S.; Celik, O. 2015-01-01 This study aimed to evaluate the effect of preoperative imaging techniques on the success and complication rates of ureteroscopy. We performed a retrospective analysis of 736 patients (455 males and 281 females), with a mean age of 45.5±15.2 years (range, 1-88 years), who underwent rigid ureteroscopic procedures for removal of ureteral stones.
Patients were divided into 4 groups according to the type of imaging modality used: group I, intravenous urography (n=116); group II, computed tomography (n=381); group III, computed tomography and intravenous urography (n=91), and group IV, ultrasonography and abdominal plain film (n=148). Patients’ demographics, stone size and location, prior shock wave lithotripsy, lithotripsy technique, operation time, success rate, and rate of intraoperative complications were compared among the groups. There were no significant differences in success and complication rates among the groups. The stone-free rate after primary ureteroscopy was 87.1% in group I, 88.2% in group II, 96.7% in group III, and 89.9% in group IV (P=0.093). The overall incidence of intraoperative complications was 11.8%. According to the modified Satava classification system, 6.1% of patients had grade 1, 5.1% had grade 2, and 0.54% had grade 3 complications.
Intraoperative complications developed in 12.1% of patients in group I, 12.6% of patients in group II, 7.7% of patients in group III, and 12.2% of patients in group IV (P=0.625). Our findings clearly demonstrate that ureteroscopic treatment of ureteral stones can be safely and effectively performed with no use of contrast study imaging, except in doubtful cases of anatomical abnormalities. PMID:26577846.
Fujioka, K; Brazg, R L; Raz, I; Bruce, S; Joyal, S; Swanink, R; Pans, M 2005-01-01 The efficacy, dose-response relationships and safety of an extended-release formulation of metformin (Glucophage) XR) were evaluated in two double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled studies of 24 and 16 weeks' duration, in patients with inadequate glycaemic control despite diet and exercise. Protocol 1 provided an evaluation of metformin XR at a commonly used dosage. Protocol 2 evaluated different dosages of metformin XR. In Protocol 1, 240 patients were randomized to receive metformin XR 1000 mg once daily. Or placebo in a 2:1 ratio for 12 weeks (patients could receive metformin XR 1500 mg during weeks 12-24 if required). In Protocol 2, 742 patients were randomized to receive metformin XR 500 mg once daily, 1000 mg once daily, 1500 mg once daily, 2000 mg once daily, 1000 mg twice daily or placebo for 16 weeks. The primary endpoint in each study was the change from baseline in HbA(1C) at 12 weeks (Protocol 1) or 16 weeks (Protocol 2).
Metformin XR reduced HbA(1C) in Protocol 1, with mean treatment differences for 1000 mg once daily vs. Placebo of -0.7% at 12 weeks and -0.8% at 24 weeks (p. Clos, Mareike; Langner, Robert; Meyer, Martin; Oechslin, Mathias S; Zilles, Karl; Eickhoff, Simon B 2014-01-01 Expectations and prior knowledge are thought to support the perceptual analysis of incoming sensory stimuli, as proposed by the predictive-coding framework. The current fMRI study investigated the effect of prior information on brain activity during the decoding of degraded speech stimuli. When prior information enabled the comprehension of the degraded sentences, the left middle temporal gyrus and the left angular gyrus were activated, highlighting a role of these areas in meaning extraction. In contrast, the activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (area 44/45) appeared to reflect the search for meaningful information in degraded speech material that could not be decoded because of mismatches with the prior information. Our results show that degraded sentences evoke instantaneously different percepts and activation patterns depending on the type of prior information, in line with prediction-based accounts of perception.
Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Morris, William K; Vesk, Peter A; McCarthy, Michael A; Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh; Baker, Patrick J 2015-01-01 Despite benefits for precision, ecologists rarely use informative priors.
One reason that ecologists may prefer vague priors is the perception that informative priors reduce accuracy. To date, no ecological study has empirically evaluated data-derived informative priors' effects on precision and accuracy. To determine the impacts of priors, we evaluated mortality models for tree species using data from a forest dynamics plot in Thailand. Half the models used vague priors, and the remaining half had informative priors. We found precision was greater when using informative priors, but effects on accuracy were more variable.
In some cases, prior information improved accuracy, while in others, it was reduced. On average, models with informative priors were no more or less accurate than models without. Our analyses provide a detailed case study on the simultaneous effect of prior information on precision and accuracy and demonstrate that when priors are specified appropriately, they lead to greater precision without systematically reducing model accuracy. PMID:25628867. Pedroza, Claudia; Han, Weilu; Truong, Van Thi Thanh; Green, Charles; Tyson, Jon E 2015-12-13 One of the main advantages of Bayesian analyses of clinical trials is their ability to formally incorporate skepticism about large treatment effects through the use of informative priors. We conducted a simulation study to assess the performance of informative normal, Student-t, and beta distributions in estimating relative risk (RR) or odds ratio (OR) for binary outcomes.
Simulation scenarios varied the prior standard deviation (SD; level of skepticism of large treatment effects), outcome rate in the control group, true treatment effect, and sample size. We compared the priors with regards to bias, mean squared error (MSE), and coverage of 95% credible intervals. Simulation results show that the prior SD influenced the posterior to a greater degree than the particular distributional form of the prior. For RR, priors with a 95% interval of 0.50-2.0 performed well in terms of bias, MSE, and coverage under most scenarios. For OR, priors with a wider 95% interval of 0.23-4.35 had good performance. We recommend the use of informative priors that exclude implausibly large treatment effects in analyses of clinical trials, particularly for major outcomes such as mortality.
Felicilda-Reynaldo, Rhea Faye D; Cruz, Jonas Preposi; Bigley, Louise; Adams, Kathryn 2017-06-01 Faculty continue to observe students struggling as they adapt their study strategies to learn nursing core content. This study described the study habits of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students prior to admission to the program. This study used a descriptive qualitative research design. A purposive sample of 19 BSN students (juniors n=10 and seniors n=9) from a 4-year public Midwestern university were included in this study. Two focus group sessions, using a semi-structured interview guide, were conducted in the spring semester of 2013. The four themes which emerged from the analysis of data were: 'I just got it,' 'I had a lot of time then,' 'I studied alone' mostly, and 'a little struggle with the sciences.'
The findings suggest the BSN students did not study much or employed poor study strategies during their years completing general education courses. Academic support is needed by students prior to admission to the nursing program so they can learn effective study skills and modify their study habits for easier adaptation to the rigors of nursing education.
Published by Elsevier Ltd. Drye, Lea T.; Casper, Anne S.; Sternberg, Alice L.; Holbrook, Janet T.; Jenkins, Gabrielle; Meinert, Curtis L. 2014-01-01 Background Investigators may elect to extend follow-up of participants enrolled in a randomized clinical trial after the trial comes to its planned end. The additional follow-up may be initiated to learn about longer term effects of treatments including adverse events, costs related to treatment, or for reasons unrelated to treatment such as to observe the natural course of the disease using the established cohort from the trial.
Purpose We examine transitioning from trials to extended follow-up studies when the goal of additional follow-up is to observe longer term treatment effects. Methods We conducted a literature search in selected journals from 2000–2012 to identify trials that extended follow-up for the purpose of studying longer term treatment effects and extracted information on the operational and logistical issues in the transition. We also draw experience from three trials coordinated by the Johns Hopkins Coordinating Centers that made transitions to extended followup: the Alzheimer’s Disease Anti-inflammatory Prevention Trial (ADAPT); Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) trial; and Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP). Results Transitions are not uncommon in multicenter clinical trials, even in trials that continued to the planned end of the trial. Transitioning usually necessitates new participant consents.
If study infrastructure is not maintained during the transition, participants will be lost and re-establishing the staff and facilities will be costly. Merging data from the trial and follow-up study can be complicated by changes in data collection measures and schedules. Limitations Our discussion and recommendations are limited to issues that we have experienced in transitions from trials to follow-up studies. Discussion We discuss issues such as maintaining funding, IRB and consent requirements, contacting participants, and combining data from the trial and follow-up phases. We conclude with a list of recommendations to. Abdel-Khalek, Mohamed; El-Baz, Mahmoud; Ibrahiem, El-Houssieny 2004-01-01 To evaluate the importance of extended 11-core biopsy in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients with intermediate prostate-specific antigen (PSA; 4.1-10 ng/ml) and prior negative sextant biopsy. A total of 381 BPH patients with intermediate PSA (4.1-10 ng/ml) and prior negative sextant biopsy underwent extended 11-core biopsy, which included conventional sextant biopsy in addition to five cores from three alternative sites.
Two cores were taken from the right and left anterior horns of the peripheral zone (PZ), two from the right and left anterior transition zones (TZs) and one from the midline of the PZ. Overall, 315 patients were subjected to transurethral resection of the prostate (n = 272) or open prostatectomy (n = 43). Repeat 11-core biopsy revealed prostate cancer in 66/381 cases (17.3%). The distribution of positive cores on repeat 11-core biopsy was as follows: sextant biopsy sites only in 50% of cases (33/66); alternative sites only in 31.8% (21/66); and sextant plus alternative biopsy sites in 18.2% (12/66).
The anterior horn of the PZ was the most frequently positive alternative site (25/33; 75.8%), followed by the TZ (5/33; 15.2%), while the midline site was involved in 9% of cases (3/33). Eleven-core biopsy had a significantly better cancer detection rate compared to sextant biopsy when digital rectal examination was normal (p = 0.009), prostate volume was in the range 30-50 cm (p = 0.033) and PSA density was or =0.15 (p = 0.024). Six cancer cases out of 315 (1.9%) were diagnosed as a result of the definitive pathology. The sensitivity of 11-core biopsy was 91.6%, compared to 62.5% for sextant biopsy (p. Urwyler, Sandrine A; Schuetz, Philipp; Sailer, Clara; Christ-Crain, Mirjam 2015-01-01 The stress hormone copeptin, which is co-secreted with arginine vasopressin, increases in seriously ill patients and can predict outcome in several organic diseases. Information about the influence of psychological stress on copeptin levels is lacking, but is important for interpretation of copeptin levels in the clinical setting.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of psychological stress on copeptin levels. We measured copeptin levels in 25 healthy medical students before and after a written examination. The primary endpoint was change in copeptin levels from immediately prior to examination compared with after the examination. Median copeptin levels prior to the examination were significantly higher than those after its conclusion. Similar results were found for serum cortisol and salivary cortisol.
Serum cortisol prior to examination was significantly higher in students with a superior examination result, compared to those with a lower score. In conclusion, psychological stress leads to a subtle increase in copeptin level and might therefore be taken into account as a confounding factor in disorders with small diagnostic copeptin range. Higher cortisol levels, but not copeptin, correlated with a better academic performance in this cohort of students. Nikooienejad, Amir; Wang, Wenyi; Johnson, Valen E. 2016-01-01 Motivation: The advent of new genomic technologies has resulted in the production of massive data sets. Analyses of these data require new statistical and computational methods.
In this article, we propose one such method that is useful in selecting explanatory variables for prediction of a binary response. Although this problem has recently been addressed using penalized likelihood methods, we adopt a Bayesian approach that utilizes a mixture of non-local prior densities and point masses on the binary regression coefficient vectors. Results: The resulting method, which we call iMOMLogit, provides improved performance in identifying true models and reducing estimation and prediction error in a number of simulation studies. More importantly, its application to several genomic datasets produces predictions that have high accuracy using far fewer explanatory variables than competing methods.
We also describe a novel approach for setting prior hyperparameters by examining the total variation distance between the prior distributions on the regression parameters and the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator under the null distribution. Finally, we describe a computational algorithm that can be used to implement iMOMLogit in ultrahigh-dimensional settings (pn) and provide diagnostics to assess the probability that this algorithm has identified the highest posterior probability model. Availability and implementation: Software to implement this method can be downloaded at: Contact: wwang7@mdanderson.org or vjohnson@stat.tamu.edu Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. PMID:26740524. Johnson, Andy 2010-01-01 The purpose of this mixed-methods study is to compare the perceived benefits of topical Scripture memorization (TSM) with the perceived benefits of extended Scripture memorization (ESM) to explore if one strategy fosters more perceived spiritual growth than the other. A baseline for the study is established by investigating the historical,. Oyama, K.-I.; Devi, M.; Ryu, K.; Chen, C.
Y.; Liu, H.; Bankov, L.; Kodama, T. 2016-12-01 The current status of ionospheric precursor studies associated with large earthquakes (EQ) is summarized in this report. It is a joint endeavor of the 'Ionosphere Precursor Study Task Group,' which was formed with the support of the Mitsubishi Foundation in 2014-2015. The group promotes the study of ionosphere precursors (IP) to EQs and aims to prepare for a future EQ dedicated satellite constellation, which is essential to obtain the global morphology of IPs and hence demonstrate whether the ionosphere can be used for short-term EQ predictions. Following a review of the recent IP studies, the problems and specific research areas that emerged from the one-year project are described.
Planned or launched satellite missions dedicated (or suitable) for EQ studies are also mentioned. Vermeltfoort, Ilse A C; van Dijk, Arjan B; de Jong, Jeroen A F; Teule, Gerrit J J; Gevers, Marjon; Verhoeven, Bas; Raaijmakers, Esther; Knaapen, Paul; Raijmakers, Pieter G H M 2014-08-01 In myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), abdominal activity often interferes with the evaluation of perfusion in the inferior wall, especially after pharmacological stress. In this randomized study, we examined the effect of carbonated water intake versus still water intake on the quality of images obtained during myocardial perfusion images (MPI) studies. A total of 467 MIBI studies were randomized into a.
Jocelyn Bullock LPC - Intern Dallas/Fort Worth Area Client Service Coordinator at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Nonprofit Organization Management Education: Dallas Baptist University 2005 – 2008 Master of Arts, Counseling Central Christian College of Kansas 2001 – 2005 Bachelor of Arts, Psychology and Theology Experience: Family Care Pregnancy Center March 2009 – Present Dallas Jewish Coalition for the Homeless September 2008 – February 2009 Dallas Jewish Coalition for the Homeless December 2005 – November 2008 Memorial Hospital February 2005 – June 2005. Robert Neel Powell, Tennessee Supervisor at Waste Connections, Inc. Transportation/Trucking/Railroad Skills: Waste Management, Customer Service, CDL Class A, DOT Compliance, Environmental Services, Fleet Management, Waste Reduction, RCRA, Hazardous Materials, Contract Negotiation, Environmental Awareness, HAZWOPER, Operations Management Education: Pellissippi State Community College 2013 – 2015 Associate’s Degree, Business Administration and Management, General Experience: Waste Connections, Inc. May 2015 – Present Waste Connections, Inc. January 2011 – Present Waste Connections, Inc.
August 2006 – January 2011 Waste Connections of Tennessee! May 2004 – August 2006 Neel's Transport October 2000 – February 2004 Neel's Wholesale Produce Inc. June 1980 – September 2000. Rashmi Bhatnagar Lafayette, California Deputy Secretary, at INDIAN RAILWAYS Transportation/Trucking/Railroad Skills: Human Resources., Project Management Education: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 1989 – 1991 Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), American Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University 1987 – 1989 Master's degree, International Relations and Affairs Delhi University 1984 – 1987 Bachelor's degree, Economics Human Resource Certification Institute Certificate, SPHR Project Management Institute Certificate, PMP Experience: INDIAN RAILWAYS. Amanda Hofer Fort Collins, Colorado Area Real Estate Broker at RE/MAX Real Estate Skills: Customer Service, Music, Microsoft Office, Marketing, Social Media, Public Speaking, Sales, Event Planning, Leadership, Management, Social Media Marketing, Microsoft Excel, Event Management, Public Relations, Social Networking, Facebook, Advertising, Teaching, Dentistry Education: Front Range Community College Experience: RE/MAX April 2015 – Present Ambassador Real Estate February 2014 – April 2015 Shores Family Dentistry July 2013 – June 2014 Arthur Missirlain, DDS July 2012 – February 2013 Jonathan L. Nelson, DDS August 2008 – July 2012 Naomi Jacobs May 2005 – June 2008.
Dona Bell Greater Chicago Area Database Support Specialist at College of Lake County Information Technology and Services Education: DePaul University 1997 – 2003 Bachelor of Arts, Concentration in Computer Science, School for New Learning Western Iowa Tech Community College 1977 – 1979 Associate Degree in Applied Science, Data Processing Experience: College of Lake County November 2009 – Present Discover Financial 1995 – 2009 Walgreens 1989 – 1995 Exchange National Bank (now Bank of America) 1986 – 1989. Lisa Weaver Lancaster, Pennsylvania Area Training and Technical Assistance Fellow at HOPE International Nonprofit Organization Management Skills: Research, Microsoft Office, Public Speaking, Community Outreach, Java, Fundraising, Nonprofits Education: Eastern University 2010 – 2014 Experience: MAP International February 2014 – May 2014 HOPE International 2014 – 2014 Equal Dollars Community Currency August 2013 – December 2013 Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association June 2013 – August 2013. Valerie Tryon Sullivan Ivins, Utah Art Installer, Receptions,Gift Shop buyer at St George Art Museum Arts and Crafts Skills: Illustration, Art, Fine Art, Illustrator, Drawing, Graphic Design, Brochures, Typography, Graphics, Photography, Apparel, Logo Design, Advertising, Photoshop, Layout, Corporate Identity, Murals, Posters, Painting Education: College of Visual Arts NYC 1970 – 1974 BS Art And Design 1965 – 1969 bs, fahion illustration Experience: St George Art Museumm August 2006 – Present Self Employed June 1997 – February 2006. Bill English Greater Detroit Area Product Manager (Sales) Printing/Converting Markets (USA) PRIME UVIR Systems Machinery Skills: New Business Development, Product Development, Manufacturing, Management, Lean Manufacturing, Advertising, Marketing, Start-ups, Customer Service, Trade Shows, CRM, Lead Generation, Labels, Marketing Management, Market Research, Digital Printing Education: Wayne State University 1978 – 1984 Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Experience: PRIME UV March 2013 – Present eltromat America Inc. January 2011 – May 2012 Duckbill LLC March 2009 – December 2010 BERNAL, INC January 2006 – November 2008 J & M Reproduction Corp. April 2004 – December 2005 Bielomatik September 2000 – January 2004 Xerox April 1999 – September 2000.
David Shadday Indianapolis, Indiana Pastor at St. Paul's Lutheran Church Religious Institutions Skills: Pastoral Care, Preaching, Gospel, Religion, Biblical Studies, Community Outreach, Theology, Liturgy, Youth Ministry, Non-profits, Discipleship, Nonprofits, Adult Education, Training, Pastoring, Missions, Pastoral Counseling, Spiritual Direction Education: Concordia Theological Seminary 1980 – 1984 Master of Sacred theology, Systematics Experience: St. Paul's Lutheran Church September 1998 – Present Other churches July 1984 – September 1998. Karla Hartman Greater New York City Area Sales Executive Staffing and Recruiting Skills: Relationship Building, Recruiting, Sales, Sales Management, Store Management, Visual Merchandising, Customer Service, Merchandising, Retail, Fashion, Inventory Management, Apparel, Store Operations, Customer Satisfaction Education: University of Toledo Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Specialized Sales, Marketing Experience: Atrium Staffing August 2015 – Present The Buckle January 2002 – August 2015. Kevin Barton Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area Sales Information Analyst at Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Dairy Skills: Process Improvement, Account Management, Team Building, Project Management, Team Leadership, Customer Service, Analysis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Visio, Business Intelligence, Retail Sales Analysis, MS Excel Pivot Tables, Finance, Process Analysis, Six Sigma, SharePoint, SAP, Business Process. Education: Metropolitan State University 2009 – 2011 Master of Business Administration, Management Information Systems Metropolitan State University 2000 – 2003 Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration Experience: Land O'Lakes, Inc. October 2014 – Present Andersen Windows April 2012 – September 2014 Andersen Windows December 2007 – April 2012 Ceridian 2002 – 2004 Ceridian 1998 – 2002. Matthew Janssen, MBA Greater Atlanta Area Investment Executive Financial Services Skills: Sales Management, Customer Service, Account Management, Sales, New Business Development, Wine Sales, Wine Tasting, Wine Knowledge, Alcoholic Beverages, Direct Sales, Marketing, Event Management, Management, Marketing Strategy, Event Planning, Microsoft Office, Restaurants, Retail, Sales Operations, Portfolio Management, Investments, Key Account Development, Brand Management, Pricing, Market Planning, Food, Strategic Planning, Inventory Management, Hospitality Education: Georgia State University - J. Mack Robinson College of Business 1998 – 2002 Master of Business Administration (MBA), Management The University of Georgia 1995 – 1997 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Philosophy Experience: LCORE LLC (Centaurus Financial & J.P.
Turner and Company) October 2014 – August 2015 Southern Vines Distribution March 2014 – October 2014 The Charmer Sunbelt Group June 2013 – February 2014 The Charmer Sunbelt Group June 2011 – June 2013 Republic National Distributing Company June 2010 – June 2011 Five Grapes December 2009 – June 2010 Dean & Deluca April 2009 – December 2009 The Common Market October 2007 – October 2008 The Wine Vault January 2007 – October 2007 OfficeMax 2004 – 2006. Kasey (Kasey McNabnay) Denton Greater Denver Area Director of Sales at The Ranch at Rock Creek Hospitality Education: Michigan State University 1994 – 1998 Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Hospitality Management Experience: The Ranch at Rock Creek July 2014 – Present The Lodge and Spa at Brush Creek Ranch December 2010 – July 2014 The Broadmoor December 2009 – December 2010 Vail Cascade Resort & Spa October 2006 – November 2009 Destination Hotels and Resorts October 2006 – November 2009 Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts 1999 – 2005. Erika Gurley Greater St. Louis Area Business Analyst at Mark Andy, Inc. Financial Services Skills: Process Improvement, Training, Strategic Planning, Customer Service, Time Management, Recruiting, Management, Analysis, Leadership, Forecasting, Sales Operations, Sales, Marketing, CRM, Financial Analysis, Talent Acquisition Education: Webster University 2010 – 2011 Master of Business Administration (MBA) Webster University 2008 – 2010 Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Experience: Mark Andy, Inc. August 2011 – November 2014 Hillshire Brands March 2006 – May 2010 Nidec Motor Corporation March 2005 – March 2006 Spectrum Healthcare Resources November 2001 – February 2004 Newhouse Chiropractic Centre May 2001 – October 2001 Coldwell Banker Gundaker December 2000 – May 2001 National MS Society December 1998 – December 2000. STANLEY MALAGA, CPA Greater New York City Area Partner, Wagner & Zwerman LLP Accounting Skills: Income Tax, Tax Returns, Accounting, Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Tax, Audit, Internal Controls, Financial Accounting, Auditing Education: Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY) 1969 – 1971 M.B.A., Taxation LIU Post 1960 – 1964 B.S., Accounting Experience: Wagner & Zwerman LLP January 2013 – Present Stanley Malaga CPA, P.C.
May 2009 – December 2012 Bertucelli & Malaga, LLP September 1994 – May 2009 C.W. Post College September 1971 – August 2001. Craig Kaufman Greater Chicago Area Crossfit Resurgence, owner, Personal Trainer Health, Wellness and Fitness Skills: CrossFit, Personal Training, MMA, Boxing, Wrestling, Olympic Lifting, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Fitness Training, Strength Training, Weight Training Education: University of Iowa - Henry B. Tippie College of Business 2000 – 2005 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Business Administration and Management, General Experience: Crossfit Resurgence April 2009 – Present Overtime MMA 2009 – 2011 Pella Windows & Doors 2006 – 2008. Laura Sonnenberg Lake Oswego, Oregon Photographer at New Moon, LLC Photography Skills: Photography, Digital Photography, Graphic Design, Fine Art, Creative Writing, Wedding Photography, Wedding Photojournalism, Executive Headshots, Family Photography, Portrait Photography, Editing, Advertising, Photos, Weddings Education: West Virginia University 1991 – 1995 BS of Journalism/Advertising Shawnee Highschool Experience: Laura Sonnenberg Photography September 1999 – Present New Moon, LLC September 1999 – Present Peter Mayer January 1996 – January 1997. Deborah Jordan Bangor, Maine Area Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer at Camden National Bank Banking Skills: Banking, Credit, Finance, Auditing, Financial Analysis, Mergers & Acquisitions, Commercial Lending, Risk Management, Commercial Banking, Loans, Financial Reporting Education: Husson University 1985 – 1987 BS, Accounting Eastern Maine Community College Experience: Camden National Bank January 2015 – Present Camden National Corporation September 2008 – December 2014 Merrill Merchants Bancshares, Inc. January 1993 – August 2008 Merrill Merchants Bank 1993 – 2008 Arthur Andersen & Co August 1987 – December 1992.
Sean Hallas Minneapolis, Minnesota Experienced Commercial Flooring Estimator. Blueprint takeoffs, proposals and closings. Mature and professional demeanor. Building Materials Skills: 25 years in the Floor., On-Screen Takeoff, quality take offs, knowledge of all floor., Calm, professional, Computer Proficiency, Blueprint Reading, Outstanding., industry contacts, Dealing in large., Submittals., strong negotiator, Project Management, Phasing, CAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Education: Ferris State College Experience: myself.
Ann Raney Greater Chicago Area Chief Executive Officer at Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center Mental Health Care Skills: Fundraising, Board Development, Community Outreach, Program Development, Teaching, Leadership Development, Non-profits, Grant Writing, Budgets, Mental Health, Public Speaking, Nonprofits, Psychotherapy, Editing, Small Business, Grants, Organizational., Social Services, Volunteer Management Education: McCormick Theological Seminary The University of Chicago Experience: Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center. John Battrum Calgary, Canada Area Director of Risk and Materials Management at Foothills School Division Primary/Secondary Education Skills: Curriculum Development, Staff Development, Public Speaking, Curriculum Design, Strategic Planning, Educational Leadership, Teaching, K-12, Educational Technology, Leadership, Event Planning, Risk Assessment, Microsoft Excel, Policy, Customer Service, Coaching, Microsoft Office Experience: Foothills School Division March 2009 – Present Foothills School Division August 1980 – February 2009 Edmonton Public Schools January 1979 – July 1980. Kim O'Sullivan Greater Boston Area Regional Manager of Operations at Alliance Oncology Hospital & Health Care Skills: Healthcare, Radiation Therapy, EMR, Healthcare Information., Healthcare Management, Process Improvement, Physician Relations, Physicians, Radiology, Revenue Cycle, Hospitals, Healthcare Consulting, Oncology, Leadership, Medical Devices Education: Curry College 2009 BA, Management Experience: Alliance Healthcare Services October 2007 – Present Shields Health Care Group 2006 – 2007 Shields Health Care Group 1999 – 2006. Amanda Siciliano Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Supervisor at Stow Kent Animal Hospital Veterinary Skills: Pets, PowerPoint, Social Media Marketing, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary, Animal Husbandry, Microsoft Word, Animal Work, Microsoft Excel, Customer Service, Microsoft Office Education: Kent State University Kent, Ohio 2013 Bachelor's degree, Sociology Kent State University 2007 – 2011 Bachelor of Science (BS), Psychology Experience: Stow Kent Animal Hospital March 2010 – Present Stow Kent Animal Hospital, Inc. March 2010 – Present Dontino's August 2007 – March 2010.
Andrea Sausen Chicago, Illinois Sr. Administrative Assistant at Advertising / PR Agency Marketing and Advertising Skills: Editing, Proofreading, Public Relations, Copy Editing, Non-fiction, Creative Writing, Freelance Writing, Web Content, Fiction, Research Education: College of DuPage 2011 – 2014 Associate in Arts, Anthropology Kendall College 2009 – 2010 Baking and Pastry Certificate Experience: Advertising / PR Agency 2012 – Present Media Planning and Buying Agency 2012 – 2012 Non-Profit Organization 2008 – 2012 Self-Employed 2007 – 2008 Public Relations Agency 2006 – 2007 Design Firm 2001 – 2006 Accounting Firm 1999 – 2001. William Krekling Seattle, Washington Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable & Patient Services Accounting Skills: Customer Service, Inventory Management, Healthcare Management, Microsoft Office, Healthcare, Process Scheduler, HIPAA, Outlook, Customer Satisfaction, Event Management, Invoicing, Process Improvement, Pivot Tables, Management, Accounts Payable, QuickBooks, Account Reconciliation Education: University of Wisconsin-Parkside 1990 – 1993 Experience: IntegraMed September 2004 – August 2013 Swedish Medical Center February 2001 – September 2004. Jamie Ridgeway Greater New York City Area Architect at IBM Semiconductors Skills: Business Process, Problem Solving, EAI, Business Transformation, Enterprise Architecture, Agile Methodologies, SAP, Business Process Design, SQL, IT Strategy, Application Architecture, Integration, IT Management, SOA, Solution Architecture Education: State University of New York at New Paltz 1985 – 1987 BS, Computer Science Dutchess Community College 1983 – 1985 AS, Computer Science Experience: IBM April 2015 – Present IBM August 2009 – April 2015 IBM 2000 – July 2009 Dyno Nobel 1987 – 2000. Michael Blair, M.A. Greater Minneapolis-St.
Darren Metcalfe Calgary, Canada Area Project Management Education Management Skills: Customer Service, Training, Management, Team Building, Contractors, Budgets, Process Scheduler, Contract Negotiation, HVAC, Facilities Management, Supervisory Skills, Project Planning, Refrigeration, Hazard Recognition, Construction, PowerPoint, Construction Safety, Negotiation, Boilers, Heating, Air Conditioning, Safety Management. Education: Westerra Institute of Technology 1989 – 1989 Journeyman, Steamfitter-Pipefitter Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1981 – 1985 Journeyman, Plumber/Gasfitter A Crescent Heights High School 1975 – 1978 diploma Experience: Modern Niagara Group Inc. May 2015 – Present Piping Industry Training School September 2011 – March 2015 Gateway Mechanical Services October 2002 – August 2011. Don Stanley Madison, Wisconsin Area Internet Skills: Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Public Speaking, Facebook, Public Relations, Press Releases, Business Strategy, Twitter, YouTube, Strategic Communications, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Teaching, Advertising, Email Marketing, WordPress, Integrated Marketing, Content Strategy, Content Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Networking, Marketing Communications, Newsletters, Online Marketing, Editing, Digital Strategy, Leadership. Kathy Wilke Kerrville, Texas comm'l real estate executive looking for new opportunities in Texas Real Estate Skills: Real Estate, Valuation, Commercial Mortgages, Brokerage, Commercial Real Estate, Investment Properties, Real Estate Economics, Due Diligence, Strategic Planning, Appraisals, Finance, Real Estate Development, Loans Education: Dallas Baptist University Business, Bus.
Admin., Finance Experience: National Bank of Arizona January 2010 – January 2011 Metropolitan Pima Alliance 2010 – May 2010 Cushman & Wakefield June 2009 – December 2009 The Wilke Company January 2008 – June 2009 WaMu June 2007 – December 2007 Capmark Finance March 2001 – January 2007 Crew Network 2005 – 2007 Price Appraisal Services/Price-Denton Inc. January 1975 – October 1997. Karin (Doyle) Stine Chicago, Illinois Experienced Teacher/Financial Assistant Education Management Skills: Classroom Management, Tutoring, Curriculum Development, Teaching, Collaborative Learning, Higher Education, Classroom, Staff Development, Child Development, Differentiated. Education: St. Xavier University 1997 – 2001 Master of Arts (MA), Education University of Illinois at Chicago 1989 – 1991 Bachelor's degree, Speech Communication/Psychology Experience: Chicago Public Schools 2008 – 2013. Tammy Greynolds Washington D.C.
Iran Sanchez Phoenix, Arizona Sr Loan Processor at Chase Financial Services Skills: Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Banking, Loans, FHA, Refinance, Loan Origination, Residential Mortgages, Credit, FHA financing, Credit Analysis, Banking, Underwriting, Mortgage Underwriting, Consumer Lending, Commercial Lending, Mortgage Servicing, Customer Service, Customer Satisfaction Education: University of Phoenix Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Experience: JPMorgan Chase September 2010 – Present Charles Schwab September 2009 – September 2010 EquiFirst June 2004 – May 2007.