Re: st: download ANCILLARY FILES Re: st: download ANCILLARY FILES From 'Sergiy Radyakin' To Subject Re: st: download ANCILLARY FILES Date Thu, 5 Jun 2008 14:27:23 -0400 My guess would be that anscillary files are copied to the current directory. Often this is the directory where Stata is installed, and this might be protected. Try to cd to a directory where you know you have write access before downloading any such files. Regards, Sergiy On 6/4/08, Viktor Slavtchev wrote: Hello.
To install the ado-files and the help files, click on click here to install, or type net install packagename. To install the ancillary files, select the click here to get link, or type net get packagename. Stata will automatically find the correct directory for installation. Stata produces when estimating a particular model. To use Clarify, insert the word estsimp at the beginning of an estimation command that you would normally run in Stata. In this example, the built-in Stata command is logit, the binary dependent variable is Y, and the explanatory variables are X1, X2, and a constant. Unless the user speci es otherwise. To install the ancillary files, select the click here to get link, or type net get packagename. Stata will automatically find the correct directory for installation. To access other resources, select Help > SJ and community-contributed programs > Other locations, or type net from
1) The problem I have is that I am able to download and run user written stata commands (for example -tmap-) but I am not able to download the ANCILLARY FILES. I get an error message: checking gr0008 consistency and verifying not already installed. cannot write in directory r(603); I suspect that it has to do with the security policy on my pc (windows). I would like to know in which directory the ANCILLARY FILES are usually copied.
Then I can change it. 2) The same problem occurs when I try to save the results using -outreg-:. Reg bsFN bsindustrieFN. Outreg using ttt.txt file ttt.txt could not be opened r(603); I amusing a network-licensed stata. Sysdir STATA: P: Stata10 UPDATES: P: Stata10 ado updates BASE: P: Stata10 ado base SITE: P: Stata10 ado site PLUS: c: ado plus PERSONAL: c: ado personal OLDPLACE: c: ado with P: network drive and C: local HDD. any help is greatly appreciated.
10x viktor. For searches and help try:.
For searches and help try:. References:.
From: Viktor Slavtchev. Prev by Date:. Next by Date:. Previous by thread:. Next by thread:. Index(es):. © Copyright 1996–2017 StataCorp LLC.
Statistics with Stata Stata is a powerful statistical and data management software package. For more details, go to:. The distributor in Australia is Survey Design and Analysis, based in the ACT: Listed below are a number of Stata programs (ado files) and related materials which are freely available for download. These programs are also available from the SSC archives in Boston, and downloadable within Stata using the ssc command (type 'help ssc' inside Stata for more information). In addition, this site has some other materials not available from the SSC archives: some JEdit code and some materials for the -tabout- program, including a tutorial. There is also an article which illustrates how to do basic programming with matrices. Tabout: is a Stata user command to export publication quality cross-tabulations to a text file or to other applications, such as Word and Excel.
Emulation has been greatly improved for Mazer Blazer, Great Guns, and the Tecmo World Cup '94 family of games, although all these games still have issues with unemulated protection. You can find the full list of changes. There are also some big improvements to the HP9000/300 series, and support for HP85 option ROMs. You'll still get the Kempston Joystick Interface by default, but you can now swap it out for other devices, including a number of Currah cartridges. In computer emulation, we've added support for ZX Spectrum slot devices.
Tabout version 3 is now available in beta. Version 3 is a major update to version 2 and was released in December 2016. Version 3 enhancements include: New output styles: for Word and Excel Table titles and footnotes Dropping columns and reshaping of tables Template files for ease of use Easy creation of dynamic documents tabout version 3 has a dedicated website: where you can download the program and a comprehensive user guide.
Tabout version 2 is still the 'official' release, available from the SSC Archives or from this site (below).